InfoChip helps you track the untrackable
Since 2002, InfoChip has led the way in providing single-sourced RFID Asset Management Solutions including our own line of extremely durable RFID tags, RFID readers, mobile inspection software and services. The powerful safety compliance and inspection management software works hand-in-hand with the ultra-durable and cost-effective RFID tags and readers—over two million tags in circulation. eQuip Total makes Asset Product Lifecycle Management simple for your most challenging classes of equipment such as lifting equipment, hose, pipe, tools, pumps and valves. Contact us to learn how to help your team improve safety, reduce paper and drive operational efficiency.

Our eQuip Lifting, eQuip Hose and eQuip Total solutions enable the tracking of assets that:
- Are difficult to identify due to small size or deterioration
- Move frequently between sites or locations
- Require safety compliance or regular inspection, maintenance or certification
- Are in high volume and require intensive data input to track effectively
Rooted in heavy industry, InfoChip has an “end-user” approach to developing solutions. InfoChip’s partners and clients include equipment manufacturers, distributors and inspection companies, delivering innovative safety tracking solutions to users worldwide resulting in reduced costs and liability, as well as enhanced safety and customer relationships.
- Reduce downtime associated with the inspection process up to 65%
- Eliminate retyping inspection reports
- Capture preventative maintenance data
Safety Enforcement
- Instant and accurate on-site ID – no misread or incorrect documentation of tags
- Provide working load limits, max pressure rating, size, length, type, cost, last inspection date
- Track and audit daily inspections
- Standardize inspection criteria for any class of asset
Information Management
- Improve inventory tracking and overall asset register accuracy and completeness
- Record and report service life history (cradle to grave), extending the safe and useful life of assets
- Document management, attachments, pictures, spreadsheets, docs, pdfs
- Reporting alerts for overdue items, flagged items and open work orders